M4A4 skin prices up 37% after M4A1-S nerf

The change in the characteristics of the M4A1-S after the latest major update has had a significant impact on the cost of the M4A4 skins, an alternative primary weapon for CTs, according to a press release by CS.MONEY, excerpts from which are cited by Cybersport.ru.

According to the information published, the average price of the M4A4 skins has increased by 37%. It is worth noting that the cost has changed for 75% of the skins available for sale for this weapon.

At the same time, the M4A1-S skins have dropped in price. It is reported that the cost of 210 of the 236 items decreased, while the worth for the rest increased slightly or remained the same.

The article also notes the most popular M4A4 skins at the moment. The top 5 is as follows: 1 – "Neo-Noir", 2 – "The Emperor", 3 – "Desolate Space", 4 – "Asiimov", 5 – "Buzz Kill".

Origin: www.cybersport.ru