ESIC files charges against peacemaker, zakk and hally for coaching bug abuse

The Esports Integrity Commission (ESIC) has officially named the first three coaches who will be punished as part of the current investigation into the use of the spectator mode bug. The accusations were brought against Imperial's coach Luis "peacemaker" Tadeu, Rafael "zakk" Fernandez from 9z and Sergey "hally" Shavaev, who works for Team Spirit.

The three specialists mentioned above have been temporarily suspended from all tournaments partnering with ESIC. In the context of the upcoming PGL Major Antwerp 2022, the Commission specifically emphasized that it has no influence on Valve and PGL. Most likely, the organizers of the Major themselves decided to suspend the coaches, information about which has already been confirmed by Team Spirit and 9z.

The ESIC report indicates that hally and zakk encountered the 2020 variant of the bug. In their case, the camera allowed them to observe what was happening on the map from only one position. It was noted that the Russian used this opportunity in one round, while the Brazilian did it in one and a half rounds in two matches.

According to the previously published penalty mechanism, hally and zakk can be banned for up to five months. This period does not imply possible reductions of suspension.

In the case of peacemaker, the coach awaits the maximum possible penalty, since he used the variant of the bug allowing to fly around the map. For this, the Brazilian faces up to two years of suspension.

The ESIC is expected to share more information on the other suspected of abusing the spectator mode bug coaches in the near future. Earlier, it had been disclosed that, along with peacemaker, zakk and hally, the current investigation of the Commission includes 97 people.
