FURIA benches kye

Brazilian esports club FURIA benched Kayke "kye" Bertolucci. The esports athlete himself announced this via his X social media account.

kye was promoted from the academy to FURIA's main roster in April of this year, after Andrei "arT" Piovezan was excluded from the starting five. FURIA competed with him at two online and three LAN tournaments.

The team placed 5th-6th at Global Esports Tour Rio 2024, 17th-20th at ESL Pro League Season 19 and 3rd-4th at YaLLa Compass 2024. The squad also entered the top 8 at CCT Season 2 Europe Series 3 and secured 2nd place at CCT Season 2 Europe Series 4. Over the past months, the 19-year-old Brazilian esports athlete has shown an average rating of 0.91 – this is the worst result on the team.

Earlier, rumors surfaced on the web that FURIA was negotiating with Imperial to buy out João "felps" Vasconcellos, but the parties had not agreed on the terms of the transfer yet.

 FURIA are now:

 Kaike "⁠KSCERATO⁠" Cerato
 Yuri "⁠yuurih⁠" Santos
 Gabriel "FalleN" Toledo
 Marcelo "chelo" Cespedes

Origin: x.com