Xizt takes over as NIP coach

Swedish club NIP announced the signing of a contract with Richard "Xizt" Landström, who will take over as a head coach of the team. The corresponding statement was published on the Ninjas' official website.

Xizt has been looking for a place to continue his coaching career since December of last year, when he parted ways with HEROIC. Under his guidance, the Danish giant won several big tournaments, including BLAST Premier Spring Final 2023, as well as advanced to the playoffs of all Majors.

NIP's new coach will have to assemble virtually a new lineup. In addition to the decision to replace coach Daniel "djL" Narancic, the club's management also benched three players at once, namely Daniil "headtr1ck" Valitov, Kristian "k0nfig" Wienecke and Patrick "es3tag" Hansen.

The press release states that Landström has already took on his duties. He is working on updating the roster with General Manager Björn "⁠THREAT⁠" Pers and Director of Performance Troels Robl.

 NIP are now:

 Fredrik "REZ" Sterner
 Alejandro "alex" Masanet

Richard "Xizt" Landström (coach)

Origin: nip.gl