Media: voting for merger of FaZe with GameSquare to take place on February 16

The board of directors of FaZe supported the merger deal with the GameSquare holding and will make an official decision next Friday, February 16, when a voting will be held among the club's shareholders, as journalists discovered.

Initially, FaZe's acquisition by GameSquare was reported back in October. The deal was supposed to be finalized in the Q4 of 2023, but the parties later decided to postpone the merger until mid-February. At the time, it was expected that the acquisition would be announced on February 15.

Reportedly, GameSquare will acquire about 45% of FaZe shares, which are valued at $16 million. It is also known about the upcoming ad campaign. The deal will be announced during the Super Bowl, which will take place on the night of February 11-12.

At the same time, fate of Complexity, a club that is part of the GameSquare structure, is unknown. Earlier it was reported that Jason Lake, the CEO and founder of the organization, plans to buy out the assets from the holding.
