Rumors: ENCE's former player to move to Liquid

According to rumors, Polish esports athlete Olek "⁠hades⁠" Miskiewicz, who is currently on ENCE's bench, will join Liquid's Counter-Strike 2 roster. Insider Ozzny reported this via his X social media account.

In addition, according to Ozzny, the Dutch club has already stopped practicing with Felipe "skullz" Medeiros – the Brazilian player is rumored to move to FURIA.

Insider and scout Alexey "OverDrive" Birukov also spoke about the potential reshuffle in Liquid. He did not provide any nicknames, but hinted that the club's fans would be surprised by the changes in the team.

If you thought you've seen the cringiest picks in CS history, then wait for the announcement of Liquid's new lineup!

Note that last month coach Wilton "zews" Prado officially departed Liquid's CS2 squad. Prior to this, the team also benched IGL and AWPer Casper "cadiaN" Møller.

 Liquid's current lineup looks as follows:

 Keith "NAF" Markovic
 Mareks "YEKINDAR" Gaļinskis
 Felipe "skullz" Medeiros
 Russel "Twistzz" Van Dulken
