CS:GO has longest matches compared to traditional sports

HLTV.org published a study in which it discovered that CS:GO has the longest matches compared to traditional sports. On average, the duration of one BO3 match is 3 hours 29 minutes.

Thus, CS:GO features longer matches than some traditional sports, namely American Football (3 hours 12 minutes), Baseball (3 hours 3 minutes), Tennis (2 hours 45 minutes), Hockey (2 hours 40 minutes), Basketball (2 hours 30 minutes), Soccer (2 hours), Rugby (1 hour 50 minutes) and Formula 1 (1 hour 35 minutes).

Furthermore, a CS:GO match lasts longer than a similar BO3 series in Valorant, which on average clocks in at 2 hours 51 minutes. At the same time, the average duration of a two-map match in Valve's shooter is 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Origin: www.hltv.org