misutaaa joins Into the Breach

British club Into the Breach officially announced via their social media accounts signing of Kévin "misutaaa" Rabier.

The previous team in Rabier's career was Falcons. With this roster the Frenchman fell short to achieve any significant success, participating in two RMRs for IEM Rio Major 2022 and BLAST.tv Paris Major 2023.

However, misutaaa departed the team last summer, after which he entered free agency. Notably, the Frenchman has already competed for Into the Breach, having played with the team in several tournaments.

Now Into the Breach have to find a new IGL to make up for the recent departure of Thomas "Thomas" Utting. The Briton decided to part ways with the roster at the beginning of the week.

 Into the Breach’s current lineup is:

 Joey "⁠CRUC1AL⁠" Steusel
 Karol "⁠rallen⁠" Rodowicz
 Aurimas "Bymas" Pipiras
Kévin "misutaaa" Rabier

 Martin "trace" Heldt (coach)

Origin: twitter.com