Sprout part ways with alpha and appoint raalz as IGL

Sprout announced via their social media accounts parting ways with the team's IGL Daniil "alpha" Demin. As a result, the Dane Rasmus "⁠raalz" Steensborg took over as the in-game leader.

alpha has been competing for Sprout since the beginning of July, when he joined the updated roster of the organization. Since then, the team fell short to achieve any significant results.

Notably, raalz has experience in managing a team as an in-game leader. Among other things, he had been in this position in 2021 and 2022 while leading Sprout.

The vacant place in Sprout was taken by Sebastian "⁠Tauson⁠" Tauson Lindelof, an 18-year-old Dane from the club's academy roster. He joined the team as a player on trial.

 Sprout's current lineup is:

 Rasmus "Zyphon" Nordfoss
 Daniil "alpha" Demin
 Ihor "w0nderful" Zhdanov
 Rasmus "⁠raalz" Steensborg
 Olle "spooke" Grundström

 Danny "⁠BERRY⁠" Krüger (coach)

Origin: twitter.com