JUST⁠ replaces sausol in Movistar Riders

SAW's former player Tiago "JUST" Moura will pursue his career with Movistar Riders, as the club announced the signing of the Portuguese esports athlete via their social media accounts.

In the starting five, Moura replaced Pere "sausol⁠" Solsoan Saumell, who departed the team earlier in July. He will return to playing after being inactive for three months.

At the moment, it is unknown when Movistar Riders' updated lineup will debut. The nearest big tournament on the team's schedule is ESL Pro League Season 18, which kicks off at the end of August.

 Movistar Riders' current lineup is:

 Alejandro "⁠mopoz⁠" Fernández-Quejo Cano
 Alejandro "⁠alex⁠" Masanet
 David "⁠dav1g⁠" Granado Bermudo
 Antonio "⁠Martinez⁠" Martinez
Tiago "JUST" Moura

 Galder "⁠bladE⁠" Barcena (coach)

Origin: twitter.com