Ex-FORZE coach leads North American team

Best-known for his stints with FORZE, coach Rustam "5TRYK#R" Alimkulov signed with FLUFFY AIMERS. Dust2.us reported on the Kazakh specialist joining North American club.

5TRYK#R's career on the professional CS:GO scene began in 2015. He achieved his greatest success with FORZE, having won several tournaments between 2017 and 2019, including Copenhagen Games 2019 with the roster.

At different periods, a number of young players, who subsequently entered a tier 1 scene, competed under the leadership of Alimkulov. In particular, FORZE's IGL Andrey "Jerry" Mekhryakov and Virtus.pro's rifler Evgenii "FL1T" Lebedev worked with the coach.

5TRYK#R will debut as FLUFFY AIMERS's coach at ESL Challenger League Season 45 North America. The $50,000 tournament will play out online from April 12 to May 28 and will determine one participant of the upcoming ESL Pro League season.


 Israel "LEARSI" Vargas
 Jason "Jason" Garcia
 Diego "sacrifice" Camacho
 Jaxon "Peeping" Cornwell
 Deni "dea" Ediev

 Rustam "5TRYK#R" Alimkulov (Coach)

Origin: www.dust2.us