Paris Major 2023 RMR viewer's guide

From April 6-15, three RMR events will play out with 56 rosters competing for 24 spots at Paris Major 2023. The two parts of the European event will be held in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, while the American and Asian RMR events will take place in Monterrey, Mexico, and Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, respectively.

The Europe RMR will play out in a Swiss System with best-of-one matches and best-of-three qualifying or relegation matches. Starting from the third round, the Buchholz coefficient will be used for seeding.

Eight rosters from each part of the Europe RMR will advance to Paris Major 2023, while three more participants will continue to fight for one more Major berth in the additional stage.

The team list for Paris Major 2023 Europe RMR A (April 6-9) looks as follows: (FL1T, Qikert, Jame, KaiR0N-, fame)
 MOUZ (dexter, frozen, torzsi, JDC, xertioN)
 fnatic (KRIMZ, mezii, nicoodoz, roeJ, FASHR)
 NAVI (s1mple, electroNic, Perfecto, b1t, npl)
 Bad News Eagles (SENER1, gxx-, juanflatroo, sinnopsyy, rigoN)
 Sprout (Staehr, lauNX, Zyphon, XELLOW, AZR)
 FaZe (karrigan, Twistzz, ropz, broky, rain)
 Apeks (nawwk, jkaem, STYKO, jL, kyxsan)
 GamerLegion (iM, isak, acoR, siuhy, Keoz)
 OG (NEOFRAG, flameZ, degster, F1KU, niko)
 Falcons (Python, NBK-, misutaaa, kennyS, bodyy)
 1WIN (TRAVIS, deko, Forester, Boombl4, NickelBack)
 Into The Breach (Thomas, CYPHER, rallen, volt, CRUC1AL)
 Viperio (arTisT, Girafffe, Gizmy, MMS, Extinct)
 B8 (r1nkle, cptkurtka023, amster, alex666, OWNER)
 SAW (JUST, MUTiRiS, rmn, ewjerkz, story) Paris Major 2023 Europe RMR A first round bracket is:

The team list for Paris Major 2023 Europe RMR B (April 11-15) looks as follows:

 Heroic (cadiaN, stavn, TeSeS, sjuush, jabbi)
 Cloud9 (HObbit, Ax1Le, sh1ro, nafany, buster)
 Team Spirit (chopper, magixx, Patsi, s1ren, w0nderful)
 BIG (tabseN, faveN, Krimbo, k1to, hyped)
 ENCE (Snappi, Maden, dycha, SunPayus, Nertz)
 Vitality (apEX, dupreeh, Magisk, ZywOo, Spinx)
 NIP (REZ, Brollan, Aleksib, headtr1ck, k0nfig)
 9INE (Goofy, KEi, Kylar, mynio, hades)
 G2 (NiKo, huNter-, jks, HooXi, m0NESY)
 Eternal Fire (XANTARES, imoRR, xfl0ud, Calyx, MAJ3R)
 Astralis (Xyp9x, gla1ve, blameF, dev1ce, Buzz)
 Monte (Woro2k, BOROS, DemQQ, kRaSnaL, sdy)
 iNation (choiv7, VLDN, dRAGON, DEPRESHN, Kind0)
 Aurora (Lack1, Norwi, KENSI, lattykk, SELLTER)
 FORZE (Jerry, zorte, shalfey, Krad, r3salt)
 500 (dennyslaw, Rainwaker, SHiPZ, niki1, Patrick) Paris Major 2023 Europe RMR B first round bracket is:

The Americas RMR will see sixteen teams competing for five tickets to Major. The tournament will play out in a similar format to the Europe RMR, but without an additional stage.

The team list for Paris Major 2023 Americas RMR (April 6-9) looks as follows:

 FURIA (arT, yuurih, KSCERATO, drop, saffee)
 Liquid (nitr0, NAF, EliGE, oSee, YEKINDAR)
 BESTIA (Noktse, deco, meyern, luchov, Luken)
 Complexity (JT, floppy, Grim, FaNg, hallzerk)
 Imperial (FalleN, boltz, VINI, chelo, JOTA)
 paiN (NEKIZ, biguzera, hardzao, zevy, skullz)
 Fluxo (felps, Lucaozy, vsm, WOOD7, history)
 MIBR (exit, Tuurtle, brnz4n, HEN1, insani)
 Flamengo (zqkS, SHOOWTiME, delboNi⁠, n1ssim, f4stzin)
 yur (reck, jitter, walker, CLASIA, D4rtyMontana)
 Paqueta (DeStiNy, venomzera, ALLE, yel, nython)
 Solid (DANVIET, nolkz, gbb, roz, Lcm)
 Evil Geniuses (Brehze, HexT, neaLaN, autimatic, wiz)
 Nouns (cynic, Bwills, nosraC, cJ, MarKE)
 00NATION (coldzera, n9xtz, latto, dumau, nqz)
 TeamOne (Maluk3, pesadelo, trk, iDk, malbsMd) Paris Major 2023 Americas RMR first round bracket is:

The Asia RMR will host eight rosters that will compete for two Major spots in a Double Elimination format with best-of-one matches and best-of-three qualifying or relegation matches.

The team list for Paris Major 2023 Asia RMR (April 6-9) looks as follows:

 TheMongolz (bLitz, Techno4K, kabal, sk0R, Annihilation)
 Eruption (fury5k, shinobi, cool4st, dobu, yAmi)
 Grayhound (Sico, INS, aliStair, Liazz, Vexite)
 VERTEX (pz, BRACE, malta, ADDICT, HaZR)
 Rare Atom (advent, kaze, JamYoung, Moseyuh, Mercury)
 TYLOO (Attacker, Summer, DANK1NG, aristo, Freeman)
 Invictus International (meztal, MOREE, m1N1, facecrack, DavCost)
 Twisted Minds (BLACKEAGLE, KD69z, Lobanjica, D0cC, SpAwNnS) Paris Major 2023 Asia RMR first round bracket is: