BLAST Premier: Spring American Showdown 2023 becomes more popular than European part
Three BLAST Premier Spring Showdown 2023 Americas matches turned out to be more popular than the games that played out in the European region, as the analytical service Esports Charts reported via its official website.
The most viewed match of the series was the final between paiN and Imperial at the American part of Showdown, with a peak viewership of 212,000. In turn, the European region final between Cloud9 and BIG peaked at 158,000 viewers, becoming only the fourth by popularity among the two parts of the qualifiers.
5 most viewed matches of BLAST Premier Spring Showdown 2023 are:
1. paiN –
Imperial, Final Showdown Americas (212,656)
2. Liquid –
paiN, Semifinal Showdown Americas (163,281)
3. Complexity –
Imperial, Quaterfinal Showdown Americas (161,553)
4. Cloud9 –
BIG, Final Showdown Europe (158,607)
5. Imperial –
EG Black, Semifinal Showdown Americas (155,189)
BLAST Premier Spring Showdown 2023 played out online from March 29 to April 2. Cloud9 secured a title at the European part, while Imperial took the first place in the American region.