CS:GO rosters brought Astralis 51% of its net revenue in 2022

Astralis has published on their official website the financial report for 2022, according to which, at the end of the past year, club's net revenue reached $12.5 million, with 51% of it brought by the CS:GO division.

In total, CS:GO rosters have earned $6.37 million, down $1.17 million from 2021. According to the report, the revenue primarily declined due to a significant decrease in the amount of prize money won over the past year.

Despite the financial success on the professional scene of Valve's shooter, Astralis remains unprofitable. In 2022, the organization reported a $1.3 million loss, but this statistics displays a positive trend compared to previous years and corresponds with the management's strategic plan.

The Astralis report also indicates that by the end of 2023, the multigaming organization expects a net revenue of $12-13 million, which is generally in line with the the previous year's level.

Origin: www.astralis.gg