Unlikeliest comebacks at top level in CS:GO's history revealed

HLTV.org's journalist Harry "NER0" Richards posted on his Twitter account the list of the unlikeliest comebacks in the history of tier-1 competition. HLTV.org's assessment system, which shows the chances of the teams winning in real time, was used as the main indicator of the probability of a losing side's comeback.

The most spectacular matches are Virtus.pro vs. ENCE (ESL Pro League Season 13) and Luminosity vs. Liquid (MLG Columbus 2016). With less than half a percent chance of success, Virtus.pro and Luminosity managed to claw back 12 and 9 rounds, respectively, and eventually win their matches.

It is important to note that the infographic below shows unlikely comebacks at the worst scoreline.

Origin: twitter.com