"It will be great". innersh1ne on possible Complexity roster project
Viacheslav "innersh1ne" Britvin, an analyst of FaZe, on his Telegram channel commented on rumors about Complexity's intentions to build a new North American roster with a core being the trio of players from Extra Salt. In his opinion, the project looks promising.
If Complexity are really signing the Extra Salt core + Grim + junior, it will be great. Grim did not have a chance to thrive in Liquid: he was not given the opportunity to play on comfortable positions and make enough impact. junior, of course, also has a good potential. I am inclined to ignore not the most successful experience of his in FURIA, I'm sure he will show what he is capable of. The core of Extra Salt is also nice. In this scenario, I take off my hat to messioso, and, definitely, the right move is to terminate the contract with peacemaker.
Earlier, HLTV.org, citing their own sources, said that Complexity are considering the possibility of building a new team of North American players. According to journalists, the organization is close to acquiring Johnny "JT" Theodosiou, Justin "FaNg" Coakley and Ricky "floppy" Kemery (all three are the members of Extra Salt), and is also considering adding Michael "Grim" Wince (Liquid) and Paytyn "junior" Johnson (FURIA).
Origin: t.me