HAVU are the champions of Snow Sweet Snow #2
HAVU are the champions of the Snow Sweet Snow #2 tournament. Finnish team defeated AGO in the two-map grandfinals - 16-8 at Nuke and 16-11 at Mirage in the grand final. The Finns ended their tournament campaign with a clean 7-0 streak and have an ongoing impressive 15-match winning streak dating starting from February 22. The winners got $47,000 for their efforts of the total $100,000 prize pool while the Polish runner-ups only received $7,000.
HAVU had secured their way to the final match against AGO by finishing the Swiss stage with a 3-0 record before taking out Anonymo, Sprout and Winstrike in the consecutively in the playoffs.
Former ENCE players Jani "Aerial" Jussila and
Sami "xseveN" Laasanen have reminded why they were considered once one of the best players and were key components in HAVU’s Snow Sweet Snow 2 performance as the top rated players on the team and both had impactful performances in the grand final.