Team Spirit & invited at BLAST Premier Fall 2020 Showdown

BLAST representatives have published a list of invited teams for the BLAST Premier Fall 2020 Showdown tournament, which will run from 24 to 29 November. The owners of the invitations are Team Spirit,, mousesports, Sprout, Cloud9, Endpoint, as well as Liquid, which previously could not fly to Europe to participate in the Fall Series.

In addition to the teams that have received direct invitations, the Fall Showdown will feature GODSENT and MAD Lions qualifiers as well as the winner FiReLEAGUE Latin Power South American qualifiers.

The above line-up will join Evil Geniuses, Complexity, FURIA, MIBR, NiP and FaZe, who took 3-4 places in their groups at the Fall Series.

List of BLAST Premier Fall 2020 Showdown participants:

 Evil Geniuses
 MAD Lions
 Team Spirit
Winner of FiReLEAGUE Latin Power

Within BLAST Premier Fall 2020 Showdown there will be split a $150,000 prize pool and two slots on Fall Finals, where OG, Vitality, Astralis, NAVI, BIG, and G2 have advanced earlier.