NAVI & Heroic fall to the lower brackets at ESL One Cologne 2020
Complexity and G2 secured a place in the playoffs thanks to victories over NAVI and Heroic respectively at European part at ESL One Cologne 2020 . Earlier Astralis and Sprout advanced to the next stage of the tournament.
Complexity defeated NAVI 2-0 - 16-9 on Dust2 and 16-8 on Nuke. Alexander "s1mple" Kostylev showed the best statistics for the CIS team, ending the series with a rating of 1.07. The same figures for Owen "oBo" Schlatter, but in his team on this indicator the 16-year-old American was in last place.
Statistics of the match
Statistics of the match G2 - Heroic
Actual grid of group A:
Actual grid of group B:
For more information on the intermediate results of the group stage and the full schedule of subsequent matches of ESL One Cologne 2020 for Europe, please visit the tournament page on the link.
В рамках европейской части ESL One Cologne 2020 Complexity и G2 обеспечили себе место в плей-офф благодаря победам над NAVI и Heroic соответственно. Ранее в следующую стадию турнира вышли Astralis и Sprout.
Complexity обыграли NAVI со счетом 2:0 – 16:9 на Dust2 и 16:8 на Nuke. У коллектива из СНГ лучшую статистику показал Александр "s1mple" Костылев, закончив серию с рейтингом 1.07. Такие же цифры и у Оуэна "oBo" Шлаттера, но в своей команде по этому показателю 16-летний американец расположился на последнем месте.
Heroic and G2 needed three cards to determine the strongest - 7:16 on Nuke, 16:7 on Vertigo and 19:17 on Mirage in favor of the samurais. The best performance on the server was shown by Nemanja "nexa" Isakovic, who finished the match with a rating of 1.30.