00NATION part ways with their roster

00NATION took it to Twitter to announce parting ways with their Brazilian roster. Players, coaches and staff began looking for a new home.

The latest iteration of 00NATION's roster with Marcelo "coldzera" David was assembled in early 2022. Six months later, the club acquired GODSENT's core, with which it won ESL Brasil Premier League Season 13, and also participated in IEM Rio Major 2022.

However, this summer first rumors about the squad intending to depart the organization and create their own club appeared. At the same time, the team signed Gabriel "NEKIZ" Schenato, thereby approving the new roster.

In turn, 00NATION may sign a newly formed lineup along with Florian "syrsoN" Rische and Jon "JDC" de Castro.

00NATION's former lineup looks as follows:

 Bruno "latto" Rebelatto
 Eduardo "dumau" Wolkmer
 Marcelo "coldzera" David
 Lucas "nqz" Soares
 Gabriel "NEKIZ" Schenato

 Olavo "⁠chucky⁠" Napoleão (coach)

Origin: twitter.com