Santorini for CS2 will feature street art – map's creator shared new images

Notorious map creator Shawn "FMPONE" Snelling introduced elements of street art into the design of Santorini, which he is currently developing for Counter-Strike 2. The author shared new images of the design, which display graffiti being present in several locations.

At the moment, Santorini's general visual design is completed, while FMPONE is working on adding details. However, the dates for the map's release, as well as for the full release of the new version of Valve's shooter are still unknown.

At the same time, FMPONE praised the Source 2 engine toolkit, which features an advanced static overlay system that allows to achieve the exact look that the design intended by using a material editor.

Work on porting Santorini to Source 2 became publicly announced in August 2022. At the time, only the map's texture model was ready.
