OG to compete at IEM Dallas 2023 without degster

OG have announced via their social media accounts that the team's sniper Abdul "degster" Gasanov will miss IEM Dallas 2023 because of his previously planned vacation, which coincides with the dates of the tournament.

As a replacement, OG invited Iulian "⁠regali" Harjău. The Romanian esports athlete has been a free agent since departing Copenhagen Flames at the end of April.

IEM Dallas 2023 will play out from May 29 to June 4 in Dallas, USA. Besides OG, other 15 rosters, including Heroic, FaZe, Cloud9, G2, Liquid, ENCE and FURIA from the top ten of the world ranking, will compete for a prize pool of $250,000.

 OG lineup at IEM Dallas 2023 looks as follows:

 Nikolaj "⁠niko⁠" Kristensen
 Maciej "⁠F1KU⁠" Miklas
 Adam "⁠NEOFRAG⁠" Zouhar
 Shahar "⁠flameZ⁠" Shushan
 Iulian "⁠regali⁠" Harjău (substitute)

Origin: twitter.com