Analysts say A site on Inferno is the most difficult bombsite to retake in CS:GO

The A site on Inferno is the most difficult bombsite to retake in CS:GO, according to analytical service Leetify, which studied the data from 18 million matchmaking games.

Of all the attempts to win a round after planting the bomb on the A site, only 21% end up being successful. Notably, the B site on Inferno is the second most difficult bombsite to retake, with a success rate of 21.7%.

The easiest bombsite to retake, the analysts conclude, is the B site on Nuke, where the CT side wins 33% of the rounds after Ts plant the bomb.

Leetify also analyzed the average number of attempts to retake various bombsites per 15 rounds. Players in matchmaking games most often go for a retake of the B site on Inferno (5.29 attempts), while the least attempted retake is the B site on Mirage (3.09 attempts).

Earlier, Leetify published a number of other studies and found, among other things, that Global Elites play fewer official matchmaking games than players with lower ranks.
