rain: "I got my confidence back after winning the Major"

FaZe player Håvard "rain" Nygaard gave an interview to Escorenews, in which he shared his opinion about the perception of older players by various members of the CS:GO community. The Norwegian believes that the opinion that age affects the success of performances is wrong, and this, among other things, is proved by the example of Nygaard himself.

I'm still 27, so I don't think age matters that much now. But when you are over 30, I think the pressure from the community gets a lot bigger because you actually passed that limit. We definitely don't know what the age limit is in Counter-Strike. We have f0rest and NEO who are still playing. I think f0rest is capable of playing in a top 10 team if he wants to, so we don't know the age limit in CS:GO yet. But of course, you always get some backlash from the community because of your age. There are always threads on various forums saying you're too old, you should stop playing, but that's ok. I don't really care that much.

I actually think that the most important thing in CS:GO is confidence. If you don't have it, it doesn't matter if you're 21 or 28. If you play and you are not confident when you do, you will not succeed. As far as I'm concerned, I got my confidence back after winning the Major. I play much better now.

rain has been playing on the CS:GO professional scene since 2013, with seven last years doing so at the tier 1 level. During this time, the Norwegian has won many big tournaments, including the aforementioned PGL Major Antwerp 2022, which Nygaard finished as the most valuable player.

Origin: escorenews.com