Complexity coach: "Using the new patch at IEM Fall 2021 is a terrible idea"

Complexity coach Luis "peacemaker" Tadeu believes that due to the different practice time after a big update in the game, some teams have an advantage over their opponents in the upcoming RMR tournament IEM Fall 2021. The Brazilian expert's commentary is quoted by Dexerto.

Tadeu drew attention to the fact that on September 24-26, his team, along with FaZe, NAVI and OG, had to play with the old patch at BLAST Premier Fall Groups 2021, while other teams could use their time to adapt to the changes that took place in the game.

This puts us in an unfair position because other teams are already practicing on the new patch, which we won’t be able to do for three or four days because of BLAST. Some teams have a competitive advantage over others because of this update. Terrible timing and decision to implement this for IEM Fall already. This is just terrible, but since no one is talking about it, nothing will get done.

peacemaker realizes that he can't do anything about Valve's decisions. At the same time, he suggested that players, coaches and other representatives of the community could work together to make CS:GO developers listen to the opinions of professionals.

There’s not much that can be done, because of the way Valve acts and because of the lack of dialogue and communication with the people who are actively promoting their game on a daily basis by streaming it, playing in tournaments, etc. It seems like decisions are made internally and we are told about them the same way the general public is. This will only change when players and influential people start fighting for each other’s causes.

Let us recall that the major CS:GO update was released on September 22. The main changes affecting the gameplay were making grenades dropable, a wall that blocks the visibility of the middle of Dust2 from the terrorist base, as well as an increased damage for M4A1-S and a Desert Eagle nerf.
