Sapec enters free agency

Scandinavian esports club Metizport has terminated its contract with Anton "Sapec" Palmgren – the 22-year-old Swedish esports athlete has officially become a free agent. Palmgren himself announced this via his X social media account, adding that he is open to new offers.

Note that Sapec competed for Metizport since June of this year. On October 1, the organization benched him to sign Casper "SHiNE" Wennerberg in his place. The latter took over the role of team's IGL, which was previously occupied by Nicolas "Plopski" Gonzalez Zamora. Metizport currently sits at No. 72 in HLTV ranking.

Before joining Metizport, Anton represented EYEBALLERS, Young Ninjas, Begrip and other teams. He has earned $42,000 in prize money throughout his career as a Counter-Strike 2 pro player, which kicked off in 2018. Sapec's average rating over the last three months amounted to 0.95 (in 63 maps).
