Club of Messi and Agüero signs CS2 roster

Argentine club KRU, co-owned by famous football players Lionel Messi and Sergio Agüero, has revealed its first Counter-Strike lineup. It included five Argentine players, one of which was born in Kazakhstan and competes under his native flag.

Each member of the KRU roster has extensive experience of competing at the regional level. Nicolás "lenci" Lencinas and Joaquin "atarax1a" Biglieri have achieved some success under the auspices of Boca Juniors, while Roberto "reversive" Themtham, Eduardo "laser" Chshekin and Sebastian "righi" Righi have excelled in Isurus, Furious and WINDINGO, respectively.

Notably, in November of last year, Agüero said that he wanted to develop Counter-Strike in Argentina. He intended to form not only the strongest local team, but also to open an academy.

 KRU are now:

Nicolás "lenci" Lencinas
Joaquin "atarax1a" Biglieri
Roberto "reversive" Themtham
 Eduardo "laser" Chshekin
Sebastian "righi" Righi
