pashabiceps is on trial for AGO Esports

AGO invited Yaroslav "pashaBiceps" Jazhombkowski, who, after leaving played for Youngsters, for a trial period. Also, from now on, tryout starts for the former Vex player Adrian "SAYN" Łączyński and a reserve player for PACT Patryk  "Sidney" Korab.

At the same time, AGO announced the end of cooperation with Milos "mhL" Knasyak, Olek "hades" Miskiewicz and Eric "leman" Kotzeba, who had been on trial since the beginning of July. With the team, they've visited the Polish Esport League Spring 2019 Finals LAN tournament, where they finished in 3rd place, losing to compatriots from in the semi-final.

Current AGO roster:

Damian "Furlan" Kislowski
Dominik "GruBy" Swiderski
Jarosław "pashaBiceps" Jarząbkowski(trial)
Adrian "SAYN" Łączyński(trial)
Patryk "Sidney" Korab(trial)