dupreeh joins Heroic

Norwegian club Heroic announced the signing of Peter "dupreeh" Rasmussen. It was reported that the parties signed a short-term contract until the end of 2023.

The previous team in the 30-year-old Dane’s career was Vitality, which he departed last summer. Together with that roster, Rasmussen won multiple tier 1 tournaments, and also secured the BLAST.tv Paris Major 2023 title, which became fifth in his career.

In turn, Heroic recently announced the benching of Casper "cadiaN" Møller. According to the rumors, the AWPer will continue his career with Liquid.

The nearest competition for Heroic is Roobet Cup 2023, which kicks off on Wednesday, October 25. Martin "stavn" Lund is expected to take on the roles of in-game leader and sniper.

Current  Heroic lineup:

 Martin "⁠stavn⁠" Lund
 René "⁠TeSeS⁠" Madsen
 Rasmus "⁠sjuush⁠" Beck
 Jakob "⁠jabbi⁠" Nygaard
 Peter "dupreeh" Rasmussen

 Richard "⁠Xizt⁠" Landström (coach)

 Casper "cadiaN" Møller (benched)

Origin: twitter.com