Leetify: half of all CS:GO players received access to CS2

Counter-Strike 2 developers have provided Limited Test access to approximately half of active CS:GO players. This is evidenced by the analytics of the Leetify service, which is based on the data of its users, the number of which is over 320K.

According to published information, as of September 4, 49.5% of the sample of CS:GO players have access to CS2. Notably, a significant part of the players with access to the new version of the shooter joined Limited Test only in recent days, when the developers launched a large wave of invites for those with Prime status and an active rank.

Share of CS:GO players with CS2 access according to Leetify

Counter-Strike 2 Limited Test was launched on March 22 and, according to the official announcement, should continue by the end of this summer, when a full-fledged release will take place. The new version of the game will be a free update for CS:GO.

Origin: leetify.com