Leetify: 7% of players have access to CS2 Limited Test

Currently, 7% of players have access to Counter-Strike 2 Limited Test. This data was shared by the analytical service Leetify, which collected information from 320,000 users.

The sample is reportedly based on authorized Leetify users, which may affect the accuracy of the numbers compared to the overall player base. However, taking into account the data provided by the service in early April, the number of players who received access to the Limited Test is growing. Notably, then only about 3% of users could play CS2.

Leetify also noted that Valve has increased the speed of issuing invites. Recently, the developers announced the third wave of invites to the Limited Test, which is reflected on the graph.

At the moment, it is unknown when the full release of Counter-Strike 2 will take place. In recent weeks, Valve has stepped up work on the transition to a new version of the shooter, increasing the number of updates released.

Origin: twitter.com