Nouns through to IEM Dallas 2023

Nouns have booked their berth at IEM Dallas 2023, where the roster from the USA will compete at their home championship as the winners of the North American qualifier.

Nouns went undefeated in the closed North American qualifier, to which they had been invited directly. At the event the team secured consecutive victories over Vendetta and twice TeamOne.

The results of the closed North American qualifier for IEM Dallas 2023 are:

IEM Dallas 2023 will take place from May 29 to April 4. Besides Nouns, four other qualifier winners, as well as eleven invitees, will fight it out at the event with $250,000 in prize money.

The team list of IEM Dallas 2023 looks as follows:

 Evil Geniuses
 Invitee #11
 Europe qualifier winner #1
 Europe qualifier winner #2
 South America qualifier winner
 Oceania qualifier winner