Outsiders, ENCE, Movistar Riders and MOUZ invited to ESL Challenger Rotterdam 2022

Outsiders, ENCE, Movistar Riders and MOUZ will take part in ESL Challenger Rotterdam 2022. The organizers of the upcoming tournament announced the direct invitees on their official Twitter account.

The four invited teams will be joined by the winners of the regional qualifiers. A ticket from the South African closed qualifier was secured by Nixuh, while representatives of the European, North American and South American regions will be determined between September 14 to 18.

ESL Challenger Rotterdam 2022 will be held on October 14-16 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Eight teams will compete for $100,000 and a spot in EPL Season 17 Conference.

The team list for ESL Challenger Rotterdam 2022 looks as follows:

 Movistar Riders
European Qualifier
North American Qualifier
South American Qualifier

Origin: twitter.com