00NATION retain coldzera and try

As part of the ongoing roster reshuffle, 00NATION have put Vinicius "vsm" Moreira on the bench, as announced on social media. Thus, the active roster retains only two players: Marcelo "coldzera" David and Santino "try" Rigal.

Previously, Leonardo "leo_drk" Oliveira and Mario "⁠malbsMd⁠" Samayoa were removed from the 00NATION starting five. The club also recently parted ways with coach João "righi" Righi.

vsm has represented the Brazilian team since the beginning of 2021. During this time, the squad did not manage to achieve any results and started rebuilding after the failure at the PGL Major Antwerp 2022 Americas RMR.

Brazilian media have repeatedly reported that 00NATION's massive roster change will end up with the signing of three GODSENT players and coach: Epitacio "TACO" de Melo, Eduardo "dumau" Wolkmer, Bruno "latto" Rebelatto and Olavo "chucky" Napoleão.

Current  00NATION lineup:

 Marcelo "⁠coldzera⁠" David
 Santino "⁠try⁠" Rigal

 Leonardo "⁠leo_drk⁠" Oliveira (inactive)
 Mario "⁠malbsMd⁠" Samayoa (inactive)
 Vinicius "⁠vsm⁠" Moreira (inactive)

Origin: twitter.com