VINI: "Imperial needs 1.5 years and a lot of luck to reach NAVI's level"

Vinicius "VINI" Figueiredo from Imperial in an interview to Globo Esporte opened up about what has to be done to reach the level of the strongest team of the professional CS:GO scene. According to the Brazilian, such progress will require considerable time and luck.

In the short term, our goal is to win any tournament. Only time will tell if we can beat the best teams in the world and lift trophies. It is difficult to compete with NAVI, who participate and win all championships. Imperial needs 1.5 years and a lot of luck to reach NAVI's level. To take our team to the tier-1, every player has to know its tasks, shoot well and feel psychologically comfortable.

At the same time, Figueiredo added that it is not the time to have a serious conversation about the long-term plans of the team, which spent only a few months together.

To be honest, it’s too early to discuss any prospects now, because we haven’t been playing together for so long. Only with time the team will understand what we can count on in the future. In addition to the synergy between all the team members, we need to work on maps and develop main strats for different sides.

The new Imperial roster, which at the beginning of this year was created by Gabriel "FalleN" Toledo, was officially announced on February 19. Since then, the Brazilians have had success in the regional qualifier for the upcoming Americas RMR event and secured a spot on the first try.
