Pimp: "s1mple deserves a major winning squad"
English tournament coverage talent Jacob "Pimp" Winneche believes that NAVI star player
Alexander "s1mple" Kostyliev deserves to play on a team that can win the majors. On Twitter he also drew attention to the fact that since the Ukrainian player joined NAVI, the team spent only 11 weeks in the HLTV.org rankings.
And when I say squad I mean the ENTIRE squad. Coaches, players, physios, a well driven organisation who invest in to all of above.
— Jacob "Pimp" Winneche (@Pimp_CSGO) March 13, 2021
It's not a single persons fault, it's just unrealized potential.
As a reminder, Pimp previously stated the need for replacements at NAVI. According to the analyst, reshuffle will help the team from the CIS steadily claim victories in major tournaments.