Denmark, Estoina & Finland – have the most players with 10 lvl at FACEIT

Reddit user FireCooperGG has published a comparative map with the number of players with FACEIT level ten. The numbers are given per million population.

The Baltic and Scandinavian countries are leading on this indicator. Denmark is in the first place with 771 people. The second place is occupied by Estonia - 689 people, and Finland - 598 people.

The distribution of the countries in the CIS is as follows: Belarus - 66, Russia - 55 and Ukraine - 47.

FACEIT is the largest platform for professional competitions and amateur games in the world. Up to 140 thousand people play on its servers at the same time, and more than 12 million matches take place per month. FACEIT has a private hub, where only professional players play, as well as those who managed to pass the selection.