Monte bids farewell to Woro2k

Ukrainian esports club Monte has officially revealed changes to its Counter-Strike 2 roster: Volodymyr "Woro2k" Veletniuk has departed the team as a free agent. The announcement was published on the X social media.

Woro2k has represented Monte for the last two years – since July 2022, while before that he competed for MAD Lions. There is no news about the esports athlete's future plans yet.

According to insider Vlad "harumi" Radvilovich, the Pole Olek "⁠hades⁠" Miskiewicz, who is currently on ENCE's bench, may become a new member of the Monte roster. At the same time, harumi also reported that Woro2k will remain in the lineup as a riffler.

Monte placed last at IEM Dallas 2024 and were unable to qualify for the upcoming LAN tournaments ESL Pro League Season 20, Skyesports Championship 2024 and BLAST Premier Fall Showdown 2024. The team currently occupies 31st place in HLTV ranking.

 Monte are now:

 Sergiy "⁠DemQQ⁠" Demchenko
 Szymon "⁠kRaSnaL⁠" Mrozek
 Martin "STYKO" Styk
 Ali "hAdji" Haïnouss

 Sergey "lmbt" Bezhanov (coach)
