TSM signs female roster Shimmer

North American multigaming TSM announced its entry into the Counter-Strike women's pro-scene. A roster known as Shimmer has joined the club.

The core of the team consists of four Americans, and the lineup is rounded out by a representative from Australia. The team is coached by Russian specialist Sebastian "Florence" Ogarev.

The Shimmer roster is one of the strongest North American representatives on the CS2 female pro scene. In the last three seasons of the prestigious ESL Impact league, the team reached the LAN finals.

Under the auspices of TSM, the lineup will debut in a week. The North American team will compete at ESL Impact League Season 5 Finals, which will be held in Dallas.

 TSM fe are:

 Marissa "⁠madss⁠" Dasta
  Lucy "⁠empathy⁠" Verkaik
 Lynn "⁠Lx⁠" Clarke
 Abigail "⁠abby⁠" Deters
 Phoebe "⁠phoebe⁠" Winter

 Sebastian "⁠Florence⁠" Ogarev (coach)

Origin: x.com