FaZe's merger with GameSquare to be finalized soon

Esports holding GameSquare has received approval from shareholders to merge with FaZe. The corresponding announcement was published on the company's official website.

The approval of the transaction by shareholders marks the final step in the merger process between GameSquare and FaZe, which was initially reported in October of last year. According to the press release, the merger agreement will come into force in the coming days.

As it was previously revealed, the largest tournament operators of the Counter-Strike pro scene, namely ESL, BLAST and PGL, are investigating FaZe's entry into the GameSquare structure for a conflict of interest, since the holding also owns Complexity.

However, it was reported that Complexity CEO Jason Lake plans to acquire the brand. He assured PGL that the competitive integrity will not be violated at the upcoming Major, which will take place from March 17 to 31 in Copenhagen.

Note that the first news about a possible merger between FaZe and GameSquare surfaced after the club's serious financial difficulties were announced. Experts estimate the deal at $17 million.

Origin: investors.gamesquare.com