OverDrive: Patsi and Qikert to join PARIVISION

PARIVISION will sign Robert "Patsi" Isyanov and Alexey "Qikert" Golubev. Insider Alexey "OverDrive" Birukov shared this information via his Twitter account.

Patsi has spent the last five months in Liquid. During this time, the Russian esports athlete did not achieve any success, and a few days earlier was excluded from the team.

In turn, Qikert recently returned to Virtus.pro from a short-term Into the Breach loan. At the same time, the official announcement stated that the Kazakh player intends to find a new club.

Yesterday, November 19, OverDrive also said that PARIVISION plans to part ways with Bogdan "xsepower" Chernikov, Daniil "X5G7V" Maryshev and Konstantin "Raijin" Trubarov. Given the existing rumors, the team will also have to find an AWPer

Origin: twitter.com